About us
Federation of Indian Industry

Federation of Indian Industry (FII), a not-for-profit organization, is an advisory interface between the Government and Industries. A creation of Industrialist & Philanthropist, Mr.Deepak Jain, with an objective to provide a structured and comprehensive advise and information to Indian Entrepreneurs, Foreign Investors and Government on business environment, prevalent laws, operational intricacies, and implementable solutions. FII offers a platform for networking and relationship building within and across the industrial sectors, policy makers, and the International business fraternity.

Who We Are
Federation of Indian Industry (FII) is an active and established associate of a number of consultative boards/committees groups designed by Govt. of India and the State Governments.
Our Mission
We aim to build an exclusive platform for Enterprises and businesses. We also wish to become a leader in providing Entrepreneurs with required support in various areas.
Our Vision
Federation of Indian Industry (FII) is known for its transparency, stability, commitment, and integrity. Our team has smart and dedicated professionals with an aim to succeed and be the best.
Our Credit
We are appreciated for our services satisfaction, respect, and credibility. FII is the Leading representative association of small, medium and large enterprises.
News at a Glance
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