The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) arrested actor Rhea Chakraborty on September 8 afternoon in connection with its investigation of a drug angle in the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput. The arrest was made after questioning the actor for three consecutive days. Chakraborty’s arrest in connection with the NCB’s probe of the drug angle followed the arrest of her brother Showik, Rajput’s house manager Samuel Miranda and his house help Dipesh Sawant. “We will not be seeking Rhea Chakraborty’s custody as we have questioned her for three days, but we will oppose if she moves for bail,” said the deputy director general of NCB Mutha Ashok Jain. Chakraborty, 28, was arrested under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act’s sections 8(c) (sale, possession or manufacture of banned drugs), 20(b)(ii) (possession or use of small quantity of banned drugs) and other relevant provisions.